The thoughts of another…

Who knows what’s going on in someone else’s head? All you can do is ask.

Those you trust, and who trust you will tell you in the best way they can explain it.

Even then, they’ve tried to put into words the workings of the most complex structure and powerful computer in the known universe, and then you’ve tried to convert those words back into thoughts within yours.

It’s no wonder there’s so much misunderstanding, and the distrust, hurt and upset that causes: words are clumsy and imprecise – wholy inadequate for the task.

All we can do is try to understand how the other might interpret, process and think about things based on their knowledge and experiences. And we attempt that understanding from a vastly different starting point.

Basically, it’s a non-starter…

Sad really.

The Moon Knew Your Beauty

The moon knew your beauty,
the sun never spilt on it,
only the moon knew.

Visiting by street light,
meeting by lamp light,
never knowing how the sun might cast
a shadow of your face.

Stolen moments,
secret words,
thoughts shared,
bodies touched,
hearts entwined,
but never in the light.

Yet the moon knew your beauty,
it knew your form,
it saw our passion,
the only witness to our love.

Never talking, never telling,
hints, secrets, silence,
sneaking around, quiet, hush.

The journey is short,
yet seldom travelled.
Our hearts beat by phone, by internet,
in time yet seldom together.

Missing, longing,
words felt,
burning to be said,
yet unspoken.

The distance so short,
yet untravelled,
wanting so much,
dreaming so much.

No words, no messages, just thoughts.

Thoughts of missing,
of yearning, of longing,
of belonging, of knowing yet knowing not.

Still the moon knew your beauty,
it smiled and told,
no one.