Everyday I see your face,
Right here on my screen,
Everyday I feel your touch,
Right here on my skin,
Everyday I hear your laugh,
Right here in my head,
Everyday I feel your love,
Right here in my heart.
Your voice,
In my thoughts,
Your eyes,
In my mind,
Your scent,
In my dreams,
Your presence,
In my arms.
I long to talk,
But have no words to say,
I crave your presence,
Almost every day,
You captivate and astound me,
How have I come your way?
Tongue-tied by your beauty,
Silenced by your smile,
Sustained by your laughter,
Buoyed up by your words.
I feel what I feel,
Though I don’t have the lines,
My heartfelt intentions,
Hide nothing behind,
I go quiet for moments,
When you’d like my words,
But my heart shouts my feelings,
Through the silence it is heard.
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